domingo, 24 de mayo de 2009


This Saturday I changed my place of social labor because the director of the GAJ asked me to do it.
I moved to “Nuevo Guayaquil” this is in the cooperative valerio estacio also. In this place I am going to be the teacher of kids from 5 to 7 years.
This day was good, when we arrived, we sang with all the kids (around 70 kids from 2 years until 12 years) they were very happy and enjoyed the songs!
Then we divided the kids by ages and each of us selected a group to work with. This day was designed to present ourselves to the kids and also for the kids to tell us their names and what they want form us.
After we talked about the class we gave them a page to draw what they want, they told me what they were drawing, and explained what means each thing.
Then we sang again with all the kids. It was great. Those kids are really good and are very interested to learn with us.

domingo, 17 de mayo de 2009


This Saturday, I started my social work, It was really great, I went to Virgen de las nieves, in the cooperative Valerio Estacio.
There my friends and I started to look for kids to tell them that we are going to teach them since the next week. The kids came very happy and helped us as our guides in the entire place.
It was really hard; we walked a lot looking for more and more kids.
At the end we had about 20 kids, we went to a market and bought a bottle of coca-cola and share a great moment with them.
Then we explained about what we're going to do there.
The objective of the project (GAJ: grupo apostolico javier) is to teach through arts, i men, we teach them about values and god but in a different way, not with traditional methods. The idea is to use arts as the tools to teach them, so they learn for example to paint but also learn about respect, or to pray.

It was really nice to talk with all of them, and it was better to know that they remember me since last year that I gave classes to them. I fell very happy and it makes me realize that they need me and that I must go not just because it’s graded, I must go because I must change at least a little the life of those kids.

martes, 5 de mayo de 2009

entrevisata a socia de la cooperativa " DE TODAS"

Name: Betty Arroyo Cevallos

How many years do you have in "de todas"?
3 years, and i also work in a fondation of the church

How did you knew “de todas”?
They visited my community and they presented the program of credits, I I worked in another foundation and at the moment I wasn’t interested, soon my daughter was united to the cooperative, show some pamphlets to me and then I decided to join. Already now, they contracted to me and I am inspector of this foundation.

What is the best of “de todas”?
The qualification, they worries much about the enterprise, personal development and on your self-esteem.

How much Money they give to you?, what you want or few amounts?
first they give $100 and then the ammount grows till $300

How was the beggining of your business it prospered or it was gradually?

IT PROSPERED AT ALL! I have a foundation called “Shadder”, I I work like an instructor. There we make manual activities with recyclables materials.
¿What was the reaction of your husband when you joined DE TODAS and began your business?
At first they think you are crazy, when he sees me with bottles or materials that seem garbage, but then he began to get interested and now he brings me materials and it’s also a family business now.

I think “ de todas” is really great!, this cooperative help women of limited resources because they improve their self-esteem, they feel productive, have higher income, and they can improve its quality of life. as it says in the interview, indirectly this can become a form to connect the family because the husband helps to recycle materials so that she can work in her foundation.