domingo, 19 de julio de 2009

(jul-11-09) respect!!

This Saturday we speak about respect. The children had a slight idea of what is respect but generally do not apply. The objective of this class is that even being poor people, they respect others to live in a better way.
We started singing songs, then ask them how they had spent their week, we told them how we passed ours and they gave us tips so that we can be free of stress and happy. After singing we sat in a circle and prayed the Lord's Prayer to begin the class.

We told them a story about a boy who does not respect their friends or their parents, taking things without permission, and do not obey anyone
When we finished we asked the child to think, they are being like that kid.
We asked them if they had being like that kid, they told us some situations and we reflected with them.

Then we gave sheets with different images where there were scenes of respect and others that do not. We asked them to lock the ones that are showing respect and paint them. When they finish painting them put a smiley face on the sheet and they could go to their houses with promise to carry on well with their parents, and always respect them.

1 comentario:

  1. Isabel - What does this mean: "The objective of this class is that even being poor people, they respect others to live in a better way."?
