domingo, 12 de julio de 2009

produce/ consume

What are your personal reflections about this video? Has it challenged you to think about your activities and how you spend your free time? Are you primarily a consumer or do you produce and share as much or more than you consume? Does it help you appreciate the social action you are doing for this class?
Here is a little quote to inspire you:

"We have no right to consume happiness without producing it than we do to consume wealth without producing it." - George Bernard Shaw

After watching the video I realized that I actually wasted time doing nothing, watching television, listening to music, I don´t want to say that doing this bad, but not spend an entire day on this, its better instead of just listening, take time to compose a song for example.

I'm generally trying to improve my lifestyle.
Spend more time on productive activities. I also have my moments of doing nothing, but when can I avoid "drift" and make something happen I do it.
The fact of spend my Saturdays from 5 years ago to teach children about god allows me to give account of other realities, it allows me to feel useful in society and leaves me a great satisfaction!

seeing these children pray, smile while singing, is something that I appreciate.
know that they are waiting for you every Saturday to tell what has happened , makes me filled with satisfaction and prompts me to continue this activity over many years

2 comentarios:

  1. Isabel - Isn't it amazing how much joy being with other people and doing something useful brings us? We easily forget it and think we are happy consuming but then we realize that kind of happiness is very small and insignificant next to that which we get from serving others.

    I am glad that you are giving your Saturday classes and that you are reflecting on your learning. I hope this is making you feel more effective in this service.

  2. it is at all!!
    I love what I am doing!
